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Intersecting Planes

Reproducing an image with intersecting planes in Postscript


Intersecting Planes

My attention was drawn by this image from @nico_vdw_art. The image is interesting because plans intersect and overlap. My goal was to reproduce this image with code, as elegantly as possible. I ended up with the following, minimal, 389 bytes Postscript code. This article explains how.

200 200 translate/W 300 def/H 200 def/w 150 def/h 100 def/P{1 setgray 0 0 W H
rectfill 0 setgray 0 0 W H rectstroke 0 10 W{dup 0 moveto H lineto}for stroke}
def/A[1 0.6 -1 0.6 50 60]def/B[0 1 1 0.6 0 0]def/C[1 -0.6 0 1 -50 200]def/p{
gsave concat exec P grestore}def 1 0 0{}A p 0 1 0{}B p 1 0 0{0 0 W h rectclip}A
p 0 0 1{}C p 1 0 0{0 0 w H rectclip}A p 0 1 0{w 0 w h rectclip}B p showpage

Original Image:

My tweet:


There will be 2 different approaches, plus the "golfing" part where I make the code as small as possible.

  1. Version 1: Geometrical transforms
  2. Version 2: Geometrical transforms + clipping
  3. Golfing

Version 1: Geometrical transforms

My first approach was to:

Here are the drawing steps and the source code.

Note that I've added R G B colors to help identifying which lines draws what.

The drawing is done, but not elegantly. There are way too many hardcoded magic numbers. Additionally, there MUST be a way to draw less planes, ie to call procedure P less than 12 times.


300 500 translate

/L 160 def
/L2 L 2 div def

/P {
    1 setgray
    0 0 L2 L rectfill

    setrgbcolor % r g b

    0 0 moveto
    0 L lineto
    L2 L lineto
    0 10 L {
        0 exch moveto
        L2 exch lineto
    } for   
} def

% [a b c d tx ty]
% x = ax + cy + tx
% y = bx + dy + ty

0 1 0 gsave [ 1  0.6  0    1   L2 neg    L2 -3 mul 16 add] concat P grestore
0 1 0 gsave [-1 -0.6  0    1   L2        L2 -2 mul 32 add] concat P grestore
1 0 0 gsave [-1  0.6  1    0.6 75        L2 neg 15 add   ] concat P grestore
1 0 0 gsave [ 1 -0.6 -1   -0.6 L2 5 sub  L 33 sub        ] concat P grestore
0 0 1 gsave [ 0 -1    1   -0.6 L2 -2 mul L2 2 mul        ] concat P grestore
0 0 1 gsave [ 0  1    1   -0.6 L2 -2 mul 0               ] concat P grestore
1 0 0 gsave [ 1 -0.6 -1   -0.6 L2 neg    32              ] concat P grestore
0 1 0 gsave [ 1  0.6  0    1   L2 neg    L2 neg 16 add   ] concat P grestore
0 1 0 gsave [-1 -0.6  0    1   L2        32              ] concat P grestore
0 0 1 gsave [ 0 -1    1   -0.6  0        L2 16 sub       ] concat P grestore
0 0 1 gsave [ 0  1    1   -0.6  0        -96             ] concat P grestore
1 0 0 gsave [-1  0.6  1    0.6 L2 neg    L neg           ] concat P grestore


Version 2: Geometrical transforms + clipping

My second take was to:

Here are the code and the drawing steps. Not only we only call P 6 times instead of 12, but we also need only three tranformation matrices instead of 12.


200 200 translate

/W 300 def
/H 200 def
/W2 W 2 div def
/H2 H 2 div def

/P {
    1 setgray
    0 0 W H rectfill

    setrgbcolor % r g b
    0 0 W H rectstroke

    0 10 W {
        0 moveto
        H lineto
    } for   

} def

% [a b c d tx ty]
% x = ax + cy + tx
% y = bx + dy + ty

/MR [ 1  0.6 -1 0.6   50   60 ] def
/MG [ 0  1    1 0.6    0    0 ] def
/MB [ 1 -0.6  0 1    -50  200 ] def

1 0 0 gsave MR concat                      P grestore
0 1 0 gsave MG concat                      P grestore
1 0 0 gsave MR concat 0   0 W  H2 rectclip P grestore
0 0 1 gsave MB concat                      P grestore
1 0 0 gsave MR concat 0   0 W2 H  rectclip P grestore
0 1 0 gsave MG concat 150 0 W2 H2 rectclip P grestore



In this last step, we don't change the logic, but only reduce the size of the code. We remove the colors. We refactor the code by creating a p procedure that draws the plane, but that also takes two operands: a tranformation matrix, and a block of code, that will either be empty or define a clipping region.


200 200 translate

/W 300 def
/H 200 def
/W2 W 2 div def
/H2 H 2 div def

/P {
    1 setgray 0 0 W H rectfill
    0 setgray 0 0 W H rectstroke
    0 10 W { dup 0 moveto H lineto } for
} def

/MR [ 1  0.6 -1 0.6   50   60 ] def
/MG [ 0  1    1 0.6    0    0 ] def
/MB [ 1 -0.6  0 1    -50  200 ] def

/p { gsave concat exec P grestore } def % {} M

{                     } MR p
{                     } MG p
{ 0  0 W  H2 rectclip } MR p
{                     } MB p
{ 0  0 W2 H  rectclip } MR p
{ W2 0 W2 H2 rectclip } MG p


And now we shorten the names, remove white spaces, and we end up with the following 5 lines:

200 200 translate/W 300 def/H 200 def/w 150 def/h 100 def/P{1 setgray 0 0 W H
rectfill 0 setgray 0 0 W H rectstroke 0 10 W{dup 0 moveto H lineto}for stroke}
def/A[1 0.6 -1 0.6 50 60]def/B[0 1 1 0.6 0 0]def/C[1 -0.6 0 1 -50 200]def/p{
gsave concat exec P grestore}def 1 0 0{}A p 0 1 0{}B p 1 0 0{0 0 W h rectclip}A
p 0 0 1{}C p 1 0 0{0 0 w H rectclip}A p 0 1 0{w 0 w h rectclip}B p showpage